Magnum Executive Editor, John Morris, Dies Aged 100
We were sad to hear this weekend of the death of legendary photo editor and Magnum Executive Editor, John Morris (1916 - 2017), at the ripe old age of 100 at a hospital close to his home in Paris.
Morris had a massive influence on photojournalism, being responsible for commissioning and publishing some of the most iconic images of the 20th Century, including 11 from his "Hungarian Brother", Robert Capa's of the D-Day Landings.
“In journalism, one first looks for the meaning, the truth that’s involved in the image – does this image show something important? Is it true or false? The composition, the form, which is more of an aesthetic question, comes second. The ideal picture for a story first has to have meaning and secondly, hopefully, to have form – good composition. Good composition takes the eye to the focal point.” (John Morris, 2016).
We can't truly do justice to an icon so deeply infused in the foundations of Magnum and so will hand over to Magnum themselves for their memorial which includes photos, a video and statements from some of his closest friends and colleagues.
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